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Cunning bike thieves collect loot

Two closed wheels were no obstacle for the thieving duo in Donauwörth. They simply screwed their loot together from both wheels.

Prey according to modular principle: The police in Donauwörth are looking for two bicycle thieves...
Prey according to modular principle: The police in Donauwörth are looking for two bicycle thieves (Symbol image)

Criminality - Cunning bike thieves collect loot

From two makes one: Bike thieves in Swabia have assembled their loot from two different bikes. According to the Police, the two suspects removed the front wheels from two mountain bikes that were parked at Donauwörth Bahnhof (Landkreis Donau-Ries) on a Thursday.

One of the bikes was reportedly secured to the frame with a lock, while the other had the front wheel attached. The thieves were able to mount the front wheel of the first mountain bike onto the frame of the second one and make off with a complete bike.

The assembled bike was valued at around 1,000 Euros by the Police. A witness estimates that the suspects were around 13 years old. The Police are now investigating this case as a particularly serious theft.

The incident of criminality in Donauwörth has raised concerns within the Swabian community. The two suspects, reportedly from the area, utilized their skills to combine parts from two mountain bikes in Bavaria. Despite one bike having a lock, the police are now working diligently to apprehend the young suspects who fled with the transformed bicycle.

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