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Criticism from the trade industry slides away from Scholz.

"Incorrect statement"

"Of course he understands the context," says crafts president Dittrich about Scholz. However, the...
"Of course he understands the context," says crafts president Dittrich about Scholz. However, the skilled trades feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously.

Criticism from the trade industry slides away from Scholz.

Can Olaf Scholz ease the concerns of the business community? They claim he's not offering enough support, but the Chancellor insists he's done a lot.

During a panel discussion hosted by Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz responded to criticisms of a lack of support from the business world. He remarked, "That's not accurate" before highlighting the substantial financial aid his administration has provided the economy.

The relief package was approved through both the German parliament (Bundestag) and upper house (Bundesrat). However, the latter made some adjustments since the federal states help fund economic tax cuts.

Nonetheless, Scholz points to several measures his government has initiated: improving depreciation rules for housing construction, and offering substantial tax breaks for research, among other things.

However, Jörg Dittrich, president of the skilled trades, argues that Scholz doesn't fully comprehend the economic difficulties. He acknowledged, "Yes, he understands the situation. But I feel like he doesn't take the concerns and fears current businesses specify seriously."

Dittrich then outlined numerous obstacles facing the economy: energy transition, green transformation, poor infrastructure, slow digitalization, and the scarcity of skilled workers, stressing they're all major hurdles.

"The craftsmen's mood is poor"

The president of the skilled trades, Dittrich, disagreed with Scholz's "merchant's song" comment. He disclosed this to RND: "I'm a master craftsman, not a businessman. When the Chancellor said this at the Munich trade fair, I told him that straight up." In Dittrich's opinion, he had no choice but to play the 'watchdog' since current circumstances demand it.

Sadly, Dittrich said many skilled trades are anticipating decreased sales, causing them anxiety about their future. "The mood among master craftsmen is very bad - it's terrible."

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