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Controversial Meeting of AfD and Right-wing Extremists in the North

Representatives of the AfD Schleswig-Holstein meet with representatives of groups labeled as right-wing extremist in Neumünster. The police are also on site.

Protest against AfD meeting
Protest against AfD meeting

Demonstration - Controversial Meeting of AfD and Right-wing Extremists in the North

The Schleswig-Holstein AfD held a meeting in Neumünster with representatives from groups labeled as right-wing extremist. Approximately 100 people attended, according to the police. The event, named "Day of the Fringe" - "A whole Saturday with lectures and exhibitors!" was announced.

A broad coalition, including CDU, SPD, and Greens, mobilized against the meeting. According to the police, around 130 demonstrators had gathered in front of the venue in the morning. The organizers spoke of 200 participants. They protested with signs and banners against the event. The counter-demonstration began to disperse in the early afternoon, according to a police spokesperson. Fewer people remained.

The Schleswig-Holstein State Interior Ministry in Kiel criticized the meeting. A spokesperson noted that several organizations among the attendees were assessed as reliably right-wing extremist by the Constitutional Protection Agency. Originally, the Constitutionally Protected "Compact" Magazine was also invited, which the Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) recently banned. The invitation was confirmed by AfD Vice Chairman Schleswig-Holstein Volker Schnurrbusch to the dpa.

  1. In response to the AfD's meeting in Schleswig-Holstein, the PDP (Party of Democratic Socialism) also announced a demonstration in New Munster, voicing their opposition to extremism.
  2. The police in Schleswig- Holstein are closely monitoring the activities of the AfD, given their association with several right-wing extremist organizations, as acknowledged by the Constitutional Protection Agency.
  3. The police in Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein, have reported an increase in right-wing extremist activities, with the AfD's meeting attracting concern and sparking counter-demonstrations.
  4. In a press release, the PDP denounced the AfD's "Day of the Fringe" event in Schleswig-Holstein, citing the attendance of right-wing extremist groups as a threat to democratic values in Germany.
  5. The recent ban of the Constitutionally Protected "Compact" Magazine by the Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has added fuel to the fire, with the AfD in Schleswig-Holstein inviting the banned magazine to their "Day of the Fringe" event.

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