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Consumer advocates: use e-ID card more online

Cybercrime is growing steadily. Experts are therefore calling for better digital consumer protection.

Analog card with chip: The e-Perso data can be read out with a smartphone, for example, if you want...
Analog card with chip: The e-Perso data can be read out with a smartphone, for example, if you want to identify yourself on the Internet. (Symbol optics)

Digitization - Consumer advocates: use e-ID card more online

For broader usage of the electronic identity card, consumer protection in Rhineland-Palatinate are strongly advocating. Due to the strong increase in Artificial Intelligence (AI), a secure digital identity is very important for people in all banking transactions and shopping opportunities, emphasized the chairwoman Heike Troue and the digital expert of the Consumer Center, Maximilian Heitkemper, in Mainz. The primary used email address should also be secured with a tool using the electronic identity card.

The consumer protection advocated for a broader information campaign on the usage possibilities of the identity card. The usage of the electronic identity card nationwide is only around 14 percent. Therefore, it should be considered to introduce certain usage possibilities compulsorily, said Troue and Heitkemper.

The Consumer Center in Rhineland-Palatinate had 125,000 information and consultation contacts in the previous year. The slight decrease compared to the previous year (128,000) is due to the fact that many inquiries from the post-Corona period had accumulated in 2022. There were many inquiries for information and consultation on the topics of building and energy costs, as well as about the online tool for complaints about mail and parcel services, in the previous year.

Consumer advocates in Rhineland-Palatinate, including Heike Troue and Maximilian Heitkemper from the Consumer Advice Center in Mainz, have highlighted the importance of combating cybercrime by enhancing the usage of the electronic identity card. They believe that with the rise of digitization and Artificial Intelligence, securing a digital identity becomes crucial for consumers in banking transactions and shopping opportunities. The Consumer Center proposes a broader information campaign to increase awareness, as only around 14% of consumers nationwide are currently utilizing the electronic identity card. Troue and Heitkemper also suggest considering making certain usage possibilities compulsory to boost adoption rates.

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