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Construction works during holidays reduce S-Bahn traffic

The S-Bahn lines S1, S2, S3 and S5 in Hamburg are affected by the works. The operator is using buses on some sections.

Construction works during summer holidays reduce S-Bahn traffic in Hamburg and its surroundings.
Construction works during summer holidays reduce S-Bahn traffic in Hamburg and its surroundings.

Hamburg and surrounds - Construction works during holidays reduce S-Bahn traffic

Construction works during the summer holidays will reduce S-Bahn traffic in Hamburg. Lines that serve the outskirts are also affected, as stated in a communication. The S5, which runs between Stade and Elbgaustraße, will end from 5th to 28th August at Hamburg Hauptbahnhof and will not continue to Elbgaustraße station. In Hamburg, there have already been disruptions on this line.

The S3, which connects Pinneberg and Neugraben, will not run between Altona and Eidelstedt from 24th to 28th August. The S2 (Altona-Aumühle) is disrupted between Berliner Tor and Billwerder-Moorfleet from 29th July to 4th August. The Hamburg S-Bahn sets up replacement bus service on both routes.

Passengers of the S1 (Wedel-Flughafen/Poppenbüttel) must change trains at Berliner Tor until 29th August. Construction works also obstruct train traffic there.

Due to the summer vacation, the S-Bahn traffic in Hamburg will be affected, which might lead to increased use of alternative modes of transport such as local trains or taxis during this period. Despite the inconvenience, visiting popular summer destinations like Hamburg's beaches or taking a scenic S-Bahn ride to nearby cities like Hamburg, particularly Hamburg Hauptbahnhof, might still be enjoyable options.

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