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Construction site on the tramway begins - weeks-long disruptions

No good time for commuters: In the coming weeks, there will be frequent closures of Stadtbahn sections for S-Bahn traffic. Replacement transport - with buses.

Instead of S-Bahn replacement services with buses: Construction on the tramway will take place in...
Instead of S-Bahn replacement services with buses: Construction on the tramway will take place in the coming weekends (archive image)

Public transport - Construction site on the tramway begins - weeks-long disruptions

For S-Bahn passengers in Berlin, demanding weeks begin starting today: On the S-Bahn, extensive construction work will take place until September 9th. Consequently, some sections will need to be completely closed for S-Bahn traffic.

From July 17th to 29th, S-Bahns between Alexanderplatz and Tiergarten will be completely out of service. From July 29th to August 7th, there will be no S-Bahn service between Friedrichstraße and Tiergarten. Furthermore, from August 4th to 9th, no S-Bahn will operate between Friedrichstraße and Tiergarten. Between Friedrichstraße and Zoologischer Garten, there will only be a 20-minute interval from July 7th to September 4th.

Affected lines are S3, S5, S7, S75, and S9. Between Alexanderplatz and Zoologischer Garten, bus replacement service will be available from July 17th to 28th, and between Friedrichstraße and Zoologischer Garten from July 29th to September 9th.

Commuters relying on public transportation in Berlin, especially those using the S-Bahn, should be prepared for disruptions. The City railway's construction site at various locations is the cause of these challenges. The S-Bahn between Alexanderplatz and Tiergarten will be completely shut down from July 17th to 29th, affecting many commuters' daily routines. The S-Bahn service between Friedrichstraße and Tiergarten will also See disruptions from July 29th to August 7th and August 4th to 9th. Fortunately, bus replacement services will be available during these periods, offering an alternative for travelers navigating the obstruction at Friedrichstraße and Tiergarten. Despite the traffic on Friedrichstraße and potential train delays, Berliners can still rely on the S-Bahn's S3, S5, S7, S75, and S9 lines, with slight modifications in service intervals between Friedrichstraße and Zoologischer Garten.

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