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Companiion harassed and insulted

A ticket control escalated on a regional train between Leipzig and Dresden. The Federal Police are now investigating for bodily harm.

In a regional train from Leipzig to Dresden, a conductor was attacked (image).
In a regional train from Leipzig to Dresden, a conductor was attacked (image).

Attack on train - Companiion harassed and insulted

In a regional train from Leipzig to Dresden, a Conductor was spat on and assaulted. According to the Federal Police, the 23-year-old demanded a couple to show their tickets. The man then threatened him with his fist. The Conductor called the Federal Police. When the train stopped in Riesa, the man spat in the 23-year-old's face and pushed him forcefully in the chest. The Federal Police are now investigating for assault and fare evasion.

  1. The incident occurred on a train from Riesa, a city in Saxony, heading towards Dresden.
  2. Despite being asked by the Train Companion, the man refused to present his tickets during traffic control.
  3. The 23-year-old Conductor, who hails from Leipzig, reported the incident to the Federal Police.
  4. Subsequently, the man became increasingly aggressive and engaged in criminal behavior, such as evading the train ticket.
  5. The Federal Police are now closely monitoring the situation, having dispatched personnel to Dresden in an effort to apprehend the offender.

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