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Cloudy weather in the north, sunshine in the south

What will the weather be like at Christmas? According to the German Weather Service, no reliable forecasts can yet be made.

Foehn weather conditions with a view of the Alps in Uttenweiler in Baden-Württemberg.
Foehn weather conditions with a view of the Alps in Uttenweiler in Baden-Württemberg.

Forecast - Cloudy weather in the north, sunshine in the south

People in Germany can expect very different weather at the start of the new week, depending on their location: in the north, it is expected to be rather cloudy - in the south, however, it will be sunny. The maximum temperatures on Monday will be a mild five to twelve degrees, according to the German Weather Service (DWD) on Sunday.

North of the Harz Mountains, it will be overcast and rainy at times on Monday, while people south of the low mountain range can look forward to longer periods of sunshine, said DWD meteorologist Jacqueline Kernn. In the north, the DWD is expecting fresh winds. Stormy gusts are expected on the coasts and in mountainous areas.

On Tuesday, meteorologists expect dense clouds and rain at times north of the Main. In the south, it will be partly cloudy, mostly dry and partly sunny for longer periods. Thermometers will reach a maximum of six to ten degrees. Once again, it will be stormy on the coasts and in the mountains.

On Wednesday, it will continue to be cloudy to very cloudy. Occasional rain is expected, with highs between five degrees on the Danube and nine degrees in the northwest.

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In the northern regions of Germany, such as areas north of the Harz Mountains, the weather on Sunday, as predicted by DWD, is expected to be overcast and rainy, continuing into Monday. Residents of Offenbach, located in the south of Germany, might enjoy longer periods of sunshine according to the DWD's forecast for Monday. Despite the differing weather conditions, both regions should prepare for strong winds and potential stormy gusts, as mentioned by meteorologist Jacqueline Kernn.




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