Weather report - Clouds, showers and partly thunderstorms expected
In the coming days, the German Weather Service (DWD) expects partial showers and occasional thunderstorms in Hessen. On Friday, it is expected to be cloudy to heavily overcast, as the DWD announced. In some areas, showery rain may develop, with occasional thunderstorms being likely. The highest temperatures will be between 24 and 27 degrees. The meteorologists also expect rain in the night to Sunday.
On Saturday, the weather will remain gray, with occasional thunderstorms and heavy rain expected. The temperatures will reach a maximum of 25 to 28 degrees, and 21 degrees in the mountains.
On Sunday, it is expected to be heavily overcast and rainy at first. The DWD predicts clearing up and dry conditions later in the day.
The weather forecast for Offenbach, located in Hesse, aligns with the DWD's predictions, indicating partial showers and potential thunderstorms. The coming weekend is not looking favorable, with continuous rain and thunderstorms predicted. On Saturday, the city might experience heavy rainfalls and occasional thunderstorms, and on Sunday, the day will start with heavy rain but clear up later.