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Climate protest at the state parliament: proceedings discontinued

With a colorful motorhome, Climate activists drove right before the Landtag, some climbed onto the roof. For five participants of the protest action, the process in court ended quickly.

The process against five participants in a protest at the NRW landtag was dropped.
The process against five participants in a protest at the NRW landtag was dropped.

Action in the ban zone - Climate protest at the state parliament: proceedings discontinued

More than three years after an "Extinction Rebellion" protest action at the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state parliament in Düsseldorf, five of the participating climate activists have avoided punishment. The trial at the Düsseldorf District Court lasted barely half an hour. All proceedings were dismissed due to minor faults without probation. This had been agreed upon by all parties involved in a private legal consultation initiated by the judge.

The case had to be heard publicly because the activists had lodged objections against fines of 450 Euro each that had been imposed by order. Two Women and three Men, aged between 37 and 66, were charged with aiding and abetting breach of peace.

On the Plenary Roof

According to the prosecution, a total of 21 activists, including a caravan, appeared at the NRW state parliament on May 20, 2021. Four of them climbed onto the glass roof of the parliament during the plenary session and unfurled a large banner reading: "Lobbies out - Citizens in."

The accused had "confirmed and supported the intentions of the four principal offenders by their presence and participation in the action, and given them a heightened sense of security," according to the prosecutor's allegations.

Open Questions Reported

The defense lawyers of the climate activists considered this argument invalid. The mere presence of their clients at the scene of the crime did not constitute criminal aiding and abetting. Furthermore, it was completely unclear whether a criminal complaint had actually been filed with the NRW state parliament at the time. According to the lawyer, only an employee of the parliament, but not its president, had filed the complaint.

The prosecutor and the judge agreed with this argumentation. Since it was unclear whether the complaint had been effectively filed by someone authorized to do so, and due to the minor faults of the accused activists, the proceedings against them were dismissed.

More Security at the Parliament

Other activists had chained themselves to a caravan and a homemade wind turbine during the May 2021 protest within the prohibited area around the parliament, where political demonstrations and other public assemblies are banned. The police did not clear the area until hours later.

In response to ensure the safety of the parliament, several measures were taken: Poles were installed at the forecourt and around the building to keep vehicles out. The security and object protection personnel were also increased, and the registration of visitors was introduced.

Not the First Action

According to the activists, three of the roof sit-in protesters were sentenced to community service under juvenile law. The proceedings against the fourth accomplice were still ongoing. The justice department could not confirm or deny this statement when asked on Monday.

This was not the first action by "Extinction Rebellion" at the NRW state parliament. In January 2020, activists from the group occupied a staircase in the parliament plenary and glued themselves partially to the windows.

  1. The dismissal of the court process against the five climate activists stemmed from minor faults, a decision agreed upon by all parties involved, including the prosecutor and the judge.
  2. The plenary session of the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state parliament was disrupted in May 2021 when four activists climbed onto the glass roof and unfurled a banner.
  3. The women and men charged with aiding and abetting breach of peace during the Climate protest in Düsseldorf had initially faced fines of 450 Euro each.
  4. The District Court in Düsseldorf dismissed the proceedings against the Extinction Rebellion activists due to uncertainties regarding the effectiveness of the complaint filed with the NRW state parliament.
  5. Previous actions by Extinction Rebellion at the NRW state parliament include an incident in January 2020, where activists occupied a staircase and glued themselves to windows.

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