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Clearer violence in Suhl Reception Centre

The reception of refugees in Suhl was often overloaded last year. This also led to conflicts. Now, the police have presented numbers.

In the recent intake in Suhl, there has been more violence recorded.
In the recent intake in Suhl, there has been more violence recorded.

Body harm - Clearer violence in Suhl Reception Centre

In the refugee reception center in Suhl, the number of registered violent crimes has significantly increased. In 2023, the police recorded 150 cases of bodily harm, compared to 42 in the previous year. In total, the number of bodily harm cases in Suhler city area increased from 269 to 438 within a year, according to a police spokesperson. She made no comments on the reasons for the increase. Previously, the "Spiegel" reported.

The facility was frequently overcrowded last year, with over 1,400 people, and there had even been an admission stop. There were also repeated clashes among refugees in the reception center, as well as fires in individual rooms.

The number of shoplifting cases in Suhl also saw a significant increase: from 311 in 2022 to 571 in 2023, as the police spokesperson added. Nearly three quarters of these were attributed to immigrants, according to the police. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that they were residents of the Reception Center.

  1. The rise in violent crimes in Suhl's refugee reception center has raised concerns among local authorities and residents about refugee criminality.
  2. The first admission to the overcrowded refugee reception center in Thuringia's Suhl city was halted due to the high number of inhabitants and incidents of violence.
  3. The police in Thuringia are considering strengthening their presence in the refugee reception center in Suhl to address the escalating rate of violence crimes and bodily harm reports.
  4. The city of Suhl is currently under scrutiny for its handling of refugee accommodation, following the increase in violence crimes and incidents of bodily harm within the refugee reception center.

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