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Civil servants in the country should receive more money

About months ago, there was a breakthrough in the wage dispute of the public services in the states. A pay increase is scheduled for November. A bonus has already been passed in the state parliament.

Civil servants in Lower Saxony should receive more money.
Civil servants in Lower Saxony should receive more money.

finances - Civil servants in the country should receive more money

Public servants and beneficiaries are to receive more money in Lower Saxony. A corresponding bill was made available for consultation among the associations, as Finance Minister Gerald Heere (Greens) announced in Hannover. This is intended to implement the wage agreement of the states from December 2021.

As of November 1, basic salaries will increase by 200 Euro per month according to the State Chancellery, and all other allowances will be adjusted by 4.76%. On February 1, 2025, a further linear adjustment of the salary and pension adjustments is planned at 5.5%. The costs amount to around 81 million Euro this year and over 1.1 billion Euro next year.

The first part of the wage agreement, the transfer of the 3,000 Euro inflation adjustment premium, was already passed by the Landtag in March. According to earlier statements from the Finance Ministry, around 109,000 beneficiaries and around 122,000 full-time positions among public servants benefited from this premium.

With the now drafted bill, it is intended to achieve, for example, that public servants can be more easily employed after reaching retirement age and school principals of smaller schools can receive a higher salary.

The bill, being discussed in the state parliament of Hanover, Lower Saxony, aims to facilitate employment of public servants beyond their retirement age in Hannover. Additionally, this proposed legislation may lead to higher salaries for school principals of lesser-sized schools across Lower Saxony, influencing local tariffs.

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