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A man with an umbrella wades through Campi Bisenzio, a municipality in Florence. There was flooding during the night in Tuscany, a popular tourist destination.

"Ciaran" has two new lows in tow

Following the passage of the hurricane "Ciaran", which claimed several lives in Western Europe, the clean-up work is still ongoing in France, for example. More than half a million households are still without power this morning, reports the utility Enedis. Brittany and Normandy are the worst affected regions. At the same time, two new lows are once again creating a sometimes dangerous outlook. According to the ntv/RTL weather team, the storm depression "Gordian" over the Alps and hurricane "Fred" over the Atlantic are already approaching Europe. This threatens several severe weather centers, which could also have an impact on the weather in Germany.

It will continue to rain over parts of the Alps to northern Italy today, although the intensity will decrease. Locally, there may still be 20 to 50 liters of rain per square meter. New rain will also arrive from the west during the course of Saturday. By Sunday morning, locally around 100 liters per square meter in 24 hours cannot be ruled out. For comparison: In Magdeburg, 450 liters per square meter fall in the entire year. Locally large amounts of rain will also fall in the Balkans and there is a risk of flooding.

According to the weather computers, "Fred" will hit the Atlantic coast of France with gale-force winds on Saturday and Sunday night. Northern Spain may also feel the effects. According to ntv meteorologists Björn Alexander andCarlo Pfaff, there is much to suggest that these will be significantly weaker than "Ciaran". However, the gusts could reach 140 to 160 kilometers per hour in places.

In this country, too, it will be stormy again from the west. In addition, the Föhn wind is picking up speed over the Alps. According to the ntv/RTL weather team, this will ensure that Germany is spared the full force of "Fred". However, it should be borne in mind that many trees are covered in leaves, which gives the wind a lot of surface area to attack. As the second storm in a short space of time is already approaching, broken branches could become a danger.

The weather in Germany over the next few days

Rain will fall in south-eastern and north-western Germany today, with windy conditions in the north-west and storms on the coast. Otherwise, we can expect calm autumn weather with some sunshine at 6 to 12 degrees. There will be only a few showers during the night, it will be mostly dry, partly clear and cold. Temperatures will range from 2 to 8 degrees, with light frost around -2 degrees possible on the edge of the Alps. The snow line will drop to around 1000 meters in the south of Germany.

On Saturday, it will be friendly to sunny for a long time in the eastern half of the country. In the west, however, denser clouds with rain and strong to gale-force winds will move in. Temperatures will be 8 to 12 degrees. On Sunday, it will often be cloudy, wet and very windy to stormy with strong gusts in the western half of the country, especially around the Black Forest. In the east and south-east, there will be a little more sunshine and fewer showers. It will also be a little milder, with 9 to 15 degrees.

And what will happen next week? Germany will continue to experience changeable and windy weather. Most of the sunshine is likely to be in the south-east/east, but there will also be slightly more clear spells in the west than at the weekend. Temperatures from 7 to 13 degrees.

  1. The extreme weather conditions posed by hurricane "Fred" are forecasted to impact various weather centers across Europe, potentially affecting countries like Germany and Italy.
  2. The International weather forecasts caution that Germany could witness strong gale-force winds, reaching up to 140-160 kilometers per hour, due to hurricane "Fred," which could lead to potential damage.
  3. While Italy is also expected to experience heavy rainfall as "Fred" approaches, Germany might be spared the full force of the storm due to the Föhn wind, but fallen leaves acting as increased surface area for the wind could lead to broken branches posing a hazard.




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At 15:55, Russian forces claim to have successfully fended off six infiltration attempts by Ukrainian troops in Kursk.

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