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Christian von Boetticher will enter the Bundestag

He was CDU party chief in Schleswig-Holstein. Now Christian von Boetticher wants to go to the Bundestag. However, he recently had a failure.

Christian von Boetticher will represent the CDU in the Bundestag (archive image)
Christian von Boetticher will represent the CDU in the Bundestag (archive image)

Federal Election - Christian von Boetticher will enter the Bundestag

Kiel (dpa/lno)

CDU Politician Christian von Boetticher (53) intends to run as a direct candidate in the Pinneberg constituency for the Bundestag in 2025. "I haven't found it easy, but I am convinced that it's the right thing to do, to step up and try to get votes," said von Boetticher to the German Press Agency. The Pinneberg constituency was won by the SPD politician Ralf Stegner in the previous Bundestag election. The "Bild" newspaper had previously reported on his plans.

"It's a bit driven, so to speak, from the situation of the last few years and also from what I have experienced in my various functions," said von Boetticher. The situation is really bad now, and it's a long-term development that's to blame. Bureaucracy and approval times have grown significantly. "That has consequences, and businesses have exceeded a limit that leads them to really experience an exodus, which I believe the German economy hasn't experienced in this form yet." Entire supply chains will no longer be served.

Last Shot for the Union?

The Union is partly responsible for this development with its long period in power, said von Boetticher. "And my impression is that if the Union really wins the next elections significantly and takes on government responsibility, then that's the last shot they really have, before even more members will be disappointed and leave."

Currently, von Boetticher is Chairman of the Federal Association of the German Food Industry. He worked as Agriculture Minister and later as Social Minister under the former Minister-President Peter Harry Carstensen, and later he was also the CDU Fraktionschef in the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag and CDU State Chairman. In 2011, he resigned from this position after a former affair with a 16-year-old girl became public.

Own Experiences

"I know how hard battles are fought in politics, including within our own party," said von Boetticher. He has experienced that himself. According to von Boetticher's statements, there are already other candidacies in Pinneberg. A decision will be made in October, he said.

In October, von Boetticher lost the nomination for the European election with a respectable result after a passionate application speech. The North CDU Landtag delegation set EU MP Niclas Herbst on the first place of the state list and followed the proposal of the state executive.

  1. The German Press Agency reported on CDU politician Christian von Boetticher's plans to run as a direct candidate in the Pinneberg electoral district for the Bundestag in 2025.
  2. In the previous Bundestag election, the SPD politician Ralf Stegner won the Pinneberg constituency, which von Boetticher intends to contest.
  3. The CDU politician attributed his decision to run due to the "situation of the last few years" and his experiences in various functions, particularly in bureaucracy and approval times that have negatively impacted businesses.
  4. Von Boetticher served as Chairman of the Federal Association of the German Food Industry and held several positions in Schleswig-Holstein's state government, including as Agriculture Minister and Social Minister, as well as the CDU Fraktionschef in the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag and CDU State Chairman.
  5. The German Press Agency, often referred to as a Picture-Newspaper in German due to its prominent use of images, played a role in reporting about von Boetticher's plans to run in the Pinneberg constituency.
  6. In a different context, von Boetticher lost the nomination for the European election with a respectable result, as the North CDU Landtag delegation set EU MP Niclas Herbst on the first place of the state list and followed the proposal of the state executive.

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