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Chinese CO2 Emissions Decline for the First Time Since the Coronavirus Outbreak

China increases renewable energy use.

Maßgeblicher Grund für den Rückgang sei der massive Ausbau von Wind- und Solaranlagen, so die...
Maßgeblicher Grund für den Rückgang sei der massive Ausbau von Wind- und Solaranlagen, so die Studie.

Chinese CO2 Emissions Decline for the First Time Since the Coronavirus Outbreak

While China can only supply 15% of its total electricity requirements through renewable energy sources, the significant growth in electric vehicles and the extensive development of solar and wind farms are contributing to a minor reduction in the country's carbon emissions.

A recent study by the Finnish research group Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air reported that China's carbon dioxide emissions might have peaked in the previous year and could now be on a downward trend. Even though the substantial slump in construction activities in March was considered, the primary factor cited by researchers was the rapid increase in renewable energy production.

There was a three percent drop in emissions compared to the preceding year, Lauri Myllyvirta, the study's author, said, referring to official statistics. The first quarter's emissions were actually higher than the previous year's, but this was generally due to the weak economic activity caused by the coronavirus pandemic in January and February 2022.

March provided the first evident sign of emission trends after the pandemic recovery, according to Myllyvirta. Although these are merely monthly data, they align with projections from the past year and show significant patterns.

In the energy realm, the increasing demand for renewable energy matched the rise in renewable energy generation, causing a plateau in carbon emissions. The rapid growth in electric vehicles is contributing to a decrease in oil demand.

The study also noted that the Chinese construction industry is experiencing a crisis, with CO2 emissions in the steel sector dropping by eight percent and cement industry emissions falling by 22 percent.

Additionally, solar and wind power plants increased by an astonishing 40 percent. The small-scale solar power plants are becoming more significant in China's energy mix. However, the team is now facing challenges with expanding the power grid. Wind and solar energy comprise just 15% of the country's electricity output.

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Despite China's reliance on fossil fuels for 85% of its electricity needs, ongoing research indicates that the country's studies on renewable energy sources are crucial in mitigating CO2 emission levels. The decrease in China's CO2 emission, as reported in a recent study by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, can be attributed to the rise in renewable energy production, particularly in solar and wind farms, which has aided in minimizing CO2 emission from sectors like steel and cement.




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