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Children chase Shoplifter with their wheels

Here, Commissioner Zufall was on duty: Two children were on their scooters when they noticed a woman fleeing. They reacted wisely - to the police's delight.

Two attentive children led the police to a shoplifter
Two attentive children led the police to a shoplifter

Pursuit action - Children chase Shoplifter with their wheels

Two clever Children helped the police in Mudersbach, in the Altenkirchen district, catch a shoplifter. The 24-year-old woman had stolen from a supermarket. The two children, who had happened to pass by, had noticed this and pursued the woman with her shopping cart. They kept a safe distance. Eventually, they managed to point her out to a police patrol. The police found stolen goods on her, which was known to them.

According to the reports, a man was also involved in the shoplifting. Supermarket employees had pursued the fleeing couple, but only managed to apprehend the 40-year-old man. The Police then discovered that there was an arrest warrant from the Cologne Public Prosecutor's Office against the suspect - also for shoplifting in conjunction. Since the 40-year-old man could not come up with the money demanded of him, he was taken to a detention center. There, he must serve a replacement sentence for freedom.

The shoplifting incident in Mudersbach occurred in the Rhineland-Palatinate region. Despite the police's efforts, they were initially unable to locate the woman involved in the criminality, but the children's intervention proved crucial.

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