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Charge after shipping accident at Iffezheim

A woman steward is accused by the prosecutor of causing an alcohol-induced shipping accident on the Rhine. No one was injured but the damage is extensive.

After the subsequent accident, the public prosecutor has now brought charges against the ship's...
After the subsequent accident, the public prosecutor has now brought charges against the ship's captain.

shipping - Charge after shipping accident at Iffezheim

Eight months after the ship accident with millions in damages at the Rhine-Lock Iffezheim, the Public Prosecutor's Office Offenburg filed a charge against the ship's chief officer at the Maritime Court Kehl. The authority accuses the 50-year-old of navigating an cargo ship while intoxicated towards a closed lock gate on November 11th of the previous year. The blood alcohol concentration of the accused was at least 1.13 promille, making it impossible for her to navigate the ship safely. The collision with the closed lock gate was foreseeable and avoidable, according to the prosecution.

The damage to the lock amounted to approximately two million Euro. No one was injured during the incident. The charge is for reckless endangerment of ship traffic. The Kehl District Court, which is responsible for the Rhine section as the Maritime Court, still needs to decide on the opening of the main trial. In case of conviction, the accused faces a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine, according to the authority.

The cargo ship "La Primavera" had rammed the lock gate with its bow and was stuck. The 80-tonne gate of the right chamber of the lock was completely destroyed. It needs to be replaced. Since the Rhine lock can only be navigated through one chamber, there are waiting times in ship traffic. The second gate is not expected to be operational before the end of the year due to construction work.

  1. The ship accident on the Rhine-Lock Iffezheim, which resulted in millions of euro in damage, involved the cargo ship "La Primavera."
  2. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Baden-Württemberg's Offenburg is handling the indictment against the ship's chief officer for reckless endangerment of ship traffic.
  3. The charge stems from an accident where the chief officer, while intoxicated, navigated the ship towards a closed lock gate on the Rhine, resulting in a collision with substantial accidents and million-euro damage.
  4. To replace the 80-tonne gate of the right chamber that was damaged in the ship accident, wait times are expected in ship traffic in Offenburg.
  5. The chief officer, who is being prosecuted for navigating while intoxicated and causing a ship accident, may face a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine if found guilty.

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