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Change at Media Board top: Niehuus retires in 2025

Since 2004, Kirsten Niehuus has been managing Film Funding Berlin-Brandenburg. She will retire by mid 2025. Now, a successor has been determined.

Kirsten Niehuus has been the head of Medienboards Berlin-Brandenburg for 20 years.
Kirsten Niehuus has been the head of Medienboards Berlin-Brandenburg for 20 years.

Film funding - Change at Media Board top: Niehuus retires in 2025

The Media Board Berlin-Brandenburg will have a new managing director next year. Kirsten Niehuus, who has led the film funding for over 20 years, will retire in the middle of 2025, as announced by the Media Board.

Sarah Duve-Schmid will then take over the management, who has so far worked as the deputy chairman and head of the funding department at the Film Funding Agency (FFA). Previously, she was the long-term managing director of the network "Vision Cinema".

Duve-Schmid has known the film location Berlin-Brandenburg for many years, according to the announcement. "The supervisory board is pleased that with her expertise, the German film location No. 1 can be maintained and expanded."

  1. The new managing director of the Media Board Berlin-Brandenburg will need to navigate the complexities of handling sensitive "personal data" related to film projects and funding.
  2. In her tenure, Kirsten Niehuus played a pivotal role in securing "film funding" for numerous movies produced in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, with some of these films often receiving critical acclaim in international "media."
  3. As part of her new role, Sarah Duve-Schmid has expressed her intent to continue fostering strong relationships with key players in the film industry, potentially leading to future "film funding" opportunities for local productions in cities like Berlin, Potsdam, and other locations in Brandenburg.
  4. In an effort to promote the region's rich filmmaking heritage, the Media Board Berlin-Brandenburg will collaborate with local universities and film schools to offer workshops and seminars on various aspects of filmmaking, allowing "media" enthusiasts to gain practical experience and knowledge in the field.

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