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Chambers have still 1000 training positions available

In a few weeks, the training year begins. For applicants and companies, that means: crunch time! But many companies are at risk of running dry.

Still, many Thuringian companies are looking for apprentices.
Still, many Thuringian companies are looking for apprentices.

skill shortage - Chambers have still 1000 training positions available

Few weeks before the start of the training year, several Thuringian companies are still desperately searching for apprentices. Approximately 1000 places are still free in the training bureaus of the Thuringian Industry and Trade Chambers (IHK), according to Thomas Fahlbusch, the head of training and further education at the IHK Erfurt. Particularly in the metal and warehousing industry as well as in the hotel and catering trade, positions remain unfilled.

As of June 30th, the Industrie- and Trade Chambers counted around 3000 completed apprenticeship contracts in Thuringia – a trend that is strongly rising, according to Fahlbusch. He is optimistic that the previous year's figure of approximately 6300 contracts will be reached again. However, it is regular that about 1000 places cannot be filled - either because there are no applications or because they do not fit. The IHK offer around two thirds of all apprenticeship places in the free state.

Applications come in earlier again

Striking is the fact that young people are once again applying earlier for a training place, explained Anja Boller from the IHK Südthüringen. In recent years, applications have come in quite late. This was also related to the fact that companies had scaled down their activities in the context of the Coronapandemic.

According to a recent survey of IHK trainees in Thuringia, practical training or other consulting offers are not the main reason for choosing a training company - recommendations from parents and other relatives have more influence. The family has been the largest factor for a long time, according to Matthias Säckl from the IHK Ostthüringen.

Link IHK Erfurt

  1. Due to the metal industry's labor shortage in Thuringia, companies are eager to secure a skilled workforce through apprenticeships.
  2. The IHK Erfurt, offering around two-thirds of all available apprenticeship places in the state, is still seeking to fill approximately 1000 training positions this year.
  3. During an informative lecture, interested individuals can learn more about the various apprenticeship opportunities available in the metal industry, potentially alleviating the current labor shortage.
  4. Despite the urgent need for apprentices in Erfurt's metal sector, some training places remain vacant due to a lack of applications or unsuitable candidates.
  5. With the labor market recovery and early applications, there's hope that the metal industry can overcome the current labor shortage and fill their empty apprenticeship year positions.

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