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CDU gives green light for special session on alcohol driving

During a drunk driving incident with an E-Roller, Brandenburg's CDU top candidate Redmann is being controlled. The Left faction calls for special sessions of two Landtag committees. The CDU reacts.

Corrected an error: Jan Redmann, CDU Landes- and Fraktionschef of Brandenburg (Archival image).
Corrected an error: Jan Redmann, CDU Landes- and Fraktionschef of Brandenburg (Archival image).

Regional Politics - CDU gives green light for special session on alcohol driving

The Brandenburger CDU will demonstrate openness and transparency regarding the police control of Landes- and Fraction leader Jan Redmann after an alcohol drive. The Landtag faction agreed to the motion of the opposition Left faction following a special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs committees in the Landtag. "We will (...) fulfill our responsibilities", stated the Parliamentary Affairs Manager of the CDU fraction, Steeven Bretz. "However, we are convinced that no new insights can be gained in either of the two committees." He warned against a campaign spectacle.

The coalition partners SPD and Greens had previously shown their support for the special session of the two committees. The Left faction intends to clarify the question of influence of CDU-led ministries of Interior and Justice on the investigation. There are two separate committees, but it is expected that there will be a joint session. Bretz proposes Wednesday for this. After all, the Landtag is scheduled to hold a special session on the supplementary budget.

More than a week ago, CDU Landes- and Fraction leader Redmann, according to his own statements, was stopped by police while riding an E-scooter to his apartment in Potsdam with a breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille. Above 1.1 promille alcohol in the blood is a criminal offense. Redmann informed the media about the incident approximately twelve hours later and admitted an error. The blood alcohol level, which was also determined, is still unclear.

SPD and Greens have open questions. The police reportedly sent the internal report on the control first in writing to the Interior Ministry and then only a day later electronically internally. According to their statements, such a procedure is intended to ensure that the personal rights of those affected are not violated.

According to Redmann's account, the police gave no specific reason for the control during his ride. In the police report, which the "Märkische Allgemeine" reported on first and which the dpa also has access to, it says that Redmann was controlled "due to his driving behavior".

The opposition Left faction in the Brandenburger Landtag had requested the special session, but the necessary votes were missing initially. Their goal is to exclude any influence of the employers on the investigation, said Left deputy Marlen Block, who chairs the Interior Committee. "It's about excluding influence from the bosses on the investigation process."

The SPD and Greens fractions then appealed to coalition partners CDU to work together for clarification. "Jan Redmann has stated openly and transparently that he will deal with this in the future, and we expect the same honesty from him", said SPD fraction leader Daniel Keller. "Therefore, we assume that both committees will deal with the raised questions."

Green fraction leader Benjamin Raschke said: "The CDU would be well advised to use a special session for clarification. Our coalition agreement calls for consensus behavior. We will seek dialogue with our coalition partners." For the motion, a majority of the members is required in both the Interior and the Legal Affairs committee, that is, five. This is now considered secured.

  1. Despite the CDU's openness, the Left faction in Germany believes that a special session is necessary to exclude any influence of CDU-led ministries of Interior and Justice on the investigation.
  2. Following the special session, the Landtag faction agreed to the motion of the opposition Left fraction in the State parliament of Brandenburg, demanding transparency and justice in the case of Jan Redmann.
  3. The coalition partners SPD and Greens, who previously supported the special session, believe that the committees can provide valuable insights into the incident involving Redmann and his alcohol-driven ride.
  4. In a bid to clarify the matter, Green fraction leader Benjamin Raschke suggested that the CDU should utilize the special session for clarification, promoting consensus behavior as per the coalition agreement.
  5. The CDU's Parliamentary Affairs Manager, Steeven Bretz, while acknowledging the responsibility of the party, expressed doubts about gaining new insights from the special session, cautioning against a campaign spectacle in regional politics.
  6. In the special session, the Left faction intends to clarify the question of influence of CDU-led ministries on the investigation, with the aim of ensuring a fair and unbiased process.
  7. Driven by the incident, Drunken ride has become a controversy in the political circles of Brandenburg and Germany, with PDLink fraction and CDU leaders speaking out on the matter.
  8. The special session, scheduled for Wednesday, could potentially provide answers to the uncertainties surrounding the police control of Jan Redmann, pushing the regional politics forward and redefining the approach towards public figures' conduct.

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