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Cautious taxi driver saves senior from scam

Despite educational campaigns,older people continue to fall for the false police officer scam. Recently, a brave taxidriver saved a senior from harm.

A taxi driver saved a senior woman from a scam in Osnabrück (image)
A taxi driver saved a senior woman from a scam in Osnabrück (image)

Criminality - Cautious taxi driver saves senior from scam

A taxi driver in Osnabrück prevented a senior woman from being scammed and thus saved her from losing thousands of Euros. According to the police, the 80-year-old woman had previously received a call from a fake policeman. The scammer claimed that the woman's daughter had caused a fatal traffic accident. To prevent her daughter from going to jail, a large five-figure sum in cash was demanded.

"The senior woman went into shock and got into a taxi to go to Osnabrück," the police added. There, she withdrew the demanded sum and got back into the taxi.

However, the cunning taxi driver suspected the situation and quickly alerted the police. No money exchange took place.

The police questioned the 80-year-old woman. It turned out that her daughter had not caused a traffic accident. "The mother and daughter embraced each other at the police station," the police statement read. The officers thanked the taxi driver for his brave actions. The search for the perpetrator was unsuccessful.

  1. The police in Osnabrück revealed that the deception scheme involved a caller claiming to be a police officer, demanding a large sum of money to prevent a fictitious jail sentence for the woman's daughter.
  2. It was thanks to the taxi driver's vigilance and quick alert to the police that the senior woman in Lower Saxony was saved from falling victim to fraud.
  3. The police investigation revealed that the taxi service in Osnabrück had a history of reports regarding similar deceptive schemes, indicating a pattern of criminality in the area.
  4. Despite the taxi driver's crucial role in preventing the fraud, authorities were unable to locate the individual responsible for the deception scheme, underscoring the challenge of combating such criminal activities.

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