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Cashier: More medicines on prescription for Thuringian employees

In the number and type of prescription orders, Thuringia differs from the federal average. The Techniker Health Insurance has an explanation for this.

A chronically ill person often needs long-term medication.
A chronically ill person often needs long-term medication.

Tablets, Drops and Co. - Cashier: More medicines on prescription for Thuringian employees

In Thuringia, employees with health issues received more prescribed medications than the average in Germany, according to observations by the Techniker Krankenkasse. Per capita, there were 290 prescription doses in Thuringia last year, compared to 275 nationwide, the insurer reported. The insurer, with approximately 125,000 insured individuals in Thuringia, analyzed prescription orders from around 53,000 employed persons in Thuringia, including both employees and recipients of Unemployment Benefit I.

Doctors prescribed blood pressure medication to these TK insured individuals an average of roughly 129 doses per employed person, compared to approximately 105 nationwide. For beta-blockers, which are used to treat heart diseases as well as eye diseases, the number of prescribed doses in Thuringia was about 60% higher than the national average (around 7).

The head of the TK regional office, Guido Dressel, explained the differences in prescription orders by stating that employed individuals in Thuringia suffer from chronic illnesses requiring long-term medication use more frequently than average. "Fewer doctor visits and prescriptions, but larger medication packages and thus more daily doses, are therefore understandable."

Insured individuals in Thuringia received prescription medications worth approximately 899 Euros per capita in the previous year, according to earlier TK statements.

  1. The higher prescription rate of medicines in Thuringia, as mentioned by TK, led to an average of 290 prescription doses for each individual last year.
  2. In Thuringia, the TKK reported that employees with health issues received a substantial number of Tablets, particularly blood pressure medication, with an average of 129 doses per employed person.
  3. Guido Dressel, the head of TK's regional office in Erfurt, attributed the higher prescription rates to a higher incidence of chronic illnesses among employed individuals in Thuringia, requiring long-term medication use.
  4. The analysis conducted by the TKK in Thuringia revealed that the cost of prescribed Medicines for insured individuals amounted to approximately 899 Euros per capita in the previous year.

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