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Car hits tree - several seriously injured

A drunk young woman veers her car off the road and crashes into a tree. Four people sustain injuries, some of them severe. Now, the police are looking for witnesses.

A drunk 25-year-old collided with a tree with their car, resulting in injuries to four people.
A drunk 25-year-old collided with a tree with their car, resulting in injuries to four people.

Hannover - Car hits tree - several seriously injured

A drunk 25-year-old swerved off the road in Hannover and collided with a tree in her car. According to the police, four occupants of the vehicle were injured, some seriously, in the night-time accident. The 25-year-old woman and her two 34-year-old passengers sustained serious injuries, while a 24-year-old in the car was lightly injured. All four were treated at the scene by paramedics and a doctor, and then taken to the hospital.

A breath alcohol test on the woman showed a reading of 1.0 Promille. A blood sample was taken from her. The police estimate the damage at around 9,000 Euros. The officers are now investigating, among other things, for dangerous interference in road traffic and negligent bodily harm resulting from a traffic accident against the 25-year-old woman. Witnesses are also being sought.

The incident occurred on a roadway in Hannover, where the police are currently conducting their investigation. The automobile involved in the accident was severely damaged, totaling approximately 9,000 Euros. The police in Lower Saxony are considering charges against Ms. for dangerous traffic interference and negligent bodily harm resulting from an accident. Authorities are also looking for potential witnesses to gather more information about the incident.

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