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Car collision in Munich - Five lightly injured

In the state capital, two vehicles collide. The occupants sustain light injuries.

Among the injured, according to the fire department, were also two children.
Among the injured, according to the fire department, were also two children.

traffic accident - Car collision in Munich - Five lightly injured

At a collision between a truck and a minibus in Munich, five people have been lightly injured - among them two children. A spokesperson for the fire department reported that the two vehicles collided at an intersection for yet unknown reasons on a Tuesday. The truck was overturned and lying on its side. The parties involved were ambulance-treated on site, while two nine-year-old girls from the minibus were taken to a clinic with light injuries. The police are currently investigating the cause of the accident.

In the bustling city of Munich, located in Upper Bavaria, frequently experiences traffic accidents like the one involving a truck and a minibus. The automatic traffic lights in the intersection where the collision occurred might be inspected as a potential cause. Despite the grave situation, it's comforting to know that Bayern's junior football team, often traveling in minibuses, wasn't involved in this incident. The vehicle that overturned in the unfortunate event was a transporter, leading to concerns about the safety of such vehicles on Munich's roads. The police and relevant authorities should prioritize implementing measures to prevent future vehicle accidents in Munich.

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