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Car and tractor are burning in Derenburg

The police are investigating after several vehicles were damaged by fires in the Harz.

The police are investigating the two fires in Derenburg.
The police are investigating the two fires in Derenburg.

Harz - Car and tractor are burning in Derenburg

On Saturday, in the Blankenburger district of Derenburg (Landkreis Harz), a tractor and an automobile caught fire. Fire investigations have been initiated, the police reported. In the afternoon, the tractor reportedly caught fire on a company grounds - the fire department extinguished it.

In the evening, a car caught fire on the marketplace. Due to the heat impact, a car behind it was also damaged, it was stated. "The exact cause of the fire in this case is also still unclear. The car was seized for investigation", according to the police.

The fire incident on Saturday was not confined to Derenburg's Blankenburger district, as another vehicle, a car, caught fire in the evening in the town's marketplace. This incident resulted in criminality as the police had to seize the damaged vehicle for further investigation. Regrettably, the fire in the Automatic company grounds in Saxony-Anhalt's Harz district on Saturday affected not just one vehicle, but a tractor as well.

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