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Car accident on autobahn - a seriously injured person

Three cars collided. In total, six people were injured. Among them are children and adolescents.

On the A61, three vehicles are driving towards each other.
On the A61, three vehicles are driving towards each other.

A61 - Car accident on autobahn - a seriously injured person

At an accident on the A61 near Frankenthal in the Palatinate, six people have been injured - one of them severely. Three cars have collided for unknown reasons, as the fire department reported. The accident occurred in the early evening between the Autobahnkreuz Frankenthal and the Autobahnkreuz Ludwigshafen. There were seven people in the vehicles. One remained unharmed. Among the lightly injured were three children and adolescents, as the fire department reported. They were "comforted with care bears to distract them from the incident". The Autobahnpolice are investigating the cause of the accident.

The Palatinate, a region in Rhineland-Palatinate, was the location of the serious accident on the A61. The automatic collision warning system in modern cars might have prevented this accident if it was equipped in all vehicles involved. Despite the efforts of the fire department, the Autobahn near Frankenthal was temporarily closed due to the accident. The children who were lightly injured were reassured with care bears provided by the fire department, helping to alleviate their fear and distress. Incidentally, this accident happened on the renowned German motorway, the Autobahn.

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