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Campaign calls for setting refugee quota

Companies should hire more refugees - even without perfect German skills. Such a campaign receives broad support. But what do the labor office numbers say?

A new campaign in Hamburg calls on employers to hire refugees.
A new campaign in Hamburg calls on employers to hire refugees.

Labor market - Campaign calls for setting refugee quota

A Campaign by authorities and businesses is calling on Hamburg companies to hire Refugees. "We want refugees to quickly join the labor market with us," said Senator Melanie Schlotzhauer (SPD) during the presentation. Companies are needed that also give chances to refugees without good German language skills, said the Senator.

The Hamburg Social Welfare Office, Jobcenter, and Employment Agency are participating in the Campaign. In addition, the Hamburg Sparkasse, Hamburg Port and Logistics AG, drugstore chain Budni, and the Hotel and Gastropub Association have joined.

The head of the Employment Agency in Hamburg, Sönke Fock, said that there are increasingly more people from Ukraine and other countries who will work in Germany. According to a joint statement from the authorities, there are approximately 8,200 employed refugees from Ukraine in Hamburg. From Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Syria, there are reportedly around 29,400.

The Federal Labor Agency has shown support for the campaign, aiming to promote employment opportunities for refugees in various labor markets. The Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Hamburg has also endorsed this initiative, recognizing the potential contributions of refugees to the local economy. Despite the language barrier, companies in Hamburg, such as those from the Hamburg Sparkasse, Hamburg Port and Logistics AG, and the Hotel and Gastropub Association, are actively participating in this campaign, offering opportunities to refugees.

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