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Burg Giebichenstein denies Antisemitism accusation

The annual exhibition at Burg Giebichenstein is a highlight in the yearly program of the art university. However, a brawl occurred. A coalition raises objections.

During the annual exhibition at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art andDesign Halle, a brawl...
During the annual exhibition at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art andDesign Halle, a brawl occurred. (Archival image)

University incident - Burg Giebichenstein denies Antisemitism accusation

The Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle has denied Antisemitism allegations. The background is a heated confrontation that occurred during the annual exhibition last weekend, as the university and an Antisemitism Alliance reported independently.

The Antisemitism Alliance in Halle accuses the University of a staff member of the security service assaulting and threatening a man who had a visible David's Star tattoo. The pro-Israel Alliance primarily criticizes the University's handling of the incident.

The University dismisses the Alliance's representation. The man allegedly forcibly took the shawl from the other person first and knocked them down before being attacked. "The Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle condemns any form of Antisemitism in the strongest terms," the University stated in a press release.

  1. Despite the controversy, the annual exhibition at Castle Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle in Saxony-Anhalt is set to continue this year, showcasing a broad range of art.
  2. The incident at the annual exhibition has sparked discussions about extremism within the University of Arts, leading some to question its commitment to combating hate speech.
  3. A group of art students at the University of Arts in Saxony-Anhalt are planning a weeklong workshop to address the issue of Antisemitism, incorporating lessons about Judaism and its rich cultural history into the curriculum.
  4. The Antisemitism allegations against the University of Arts have not deterred local tourists from visiting Castle Giebichenstein during the weekend, with many still interested in its historical art collections.
  5. The Saxony-Anhalt government has emphasized the importance of maintaining a safe and inclusive environment at all universities in the region, pledging to support initiatives that promote understanding and tolerance among students and staff.

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