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BSW in Berlin to have dual leadership

After several other federal states, Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW party is also founding a state association in Berlin. It is now known who will lead it.

Alexander King is running for the BSW dual leadership in Berlin. (archive picture)
Alexander King is running for the BSW dual leadership in Berlin. (archive picture)

New BSW regional association - BSW in Berlin to have dual leadership

Deputy Alexander King and nursing sister Josephine Thyrêt are set to be the first chairpersons of the Berlin Branch of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW). Both are candidates for co-chairpersons at the founding assembly of the Berlin Branch taking place this Sunday in Berlin-Adlershof, according to a party spokesperson.

Diploma-Geographer King is 54 years old and has been a member of the Berlin House of Representatives since December 2021, with a brief interruption. In November 2023, he left the Linksfraktion in the parliament to join the BSW. Thyrêt is 49 years old and has been the works council chairperson at the state-owned clinic conglomerate Vivantes for almost four years. Since over a year, she also serves as the deputy supervisory board chairperson there.

The former politician of The Left, Sahra Wagenknecht, founded her party in January. According to a party spokesperson, BSW branches are forming in this order, with the Berlin Branch being the fifth.

Approximately 80 BSW members in the capital are expected to attend the founding assembly at Theater Ost in Adlershof. The event is reportedly open to the media at the beginning, followed by roughly one and a half hours of internal deliberations by the Berlin BSW. A press conference with the newly elected chairpersons is then planned.

  1. The upcoming founding assembly of the Berlin Branch of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) on Sunday will see Deputy Alexander King and nursing sister Josephine Thyrêt vying for the dual leadership positions in Berlin-Adlershof, a key location in Germany's capital city.
  2. Born in Berlin, Alexander King, a 54-year-old diploma-geographer, has served as a member of the Berlin House of Representatives since December 2021, with a brief break, and was previously part of the Linksfraktion in the parliament before joining the BSW in November 2023.
  3. The BSW, which is now forming branches in a specific order, will see its fifth branch being established in Berlin this Sunday, with the induction of Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance members from all over Germany, including Berlin, coming together for the event held in Adlershof.
  4. Josephine Thyrêt, a 49-year-old nursing sister and works council chairperson at the state-owned clinic conglomerate Vivantes, will also make her case for the dual leadership roles at the Berlin Branch's founding assembly, a significant milestone for the national association striving to make a strong impact on Germany's political landscape.
  5. The BSW, which was founded by Sahra Wagenknecht in January, aims to build a strong presence in various German regions, with the Berlin Branch serving as a pivotal point for promoting its policies and ideals, all the while upholding the values of transparency and accountability in its internal operations and public discourse.

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