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Bridge-Musicclubs find new home at Deichtorhallen

Some music clubs have existed for more than 25 years under Hamburg's Sternbrücke, others only recently. But they all have to go - because of a new bridge. Bridge clubs remain they do.}

New Bridge, new luck: the Beat Boutique music club has moved to Deichtorhallen.
New Bridge, new luck: the Beat Boutique music club has moved to Deichtorhallen.

Move due to new bridge - Bridge-Musicclubs find new home at Deichtorhallen

Due to the controversial new construction of the Sternbridge in Hamburg-Altona, several long-standing Music Clubs had to vacate - they have now moved into the vaults of another bridge. In the immediate vicinity of Hauptbahnhof and Deichtorhallen, the vacant casemates along Altlaender Straße are set to become the new home for three affected Sternbridge-Clubs. The new spaces have now been handed over to the managers of Beat Boutique and Fundbureau.

First Beats from August

You can turn up the music again from August. The Bar 227 will follow later. In order for the music clubs to find good conditions, the city has renovated the spaces under the bridge in the past few months. With new toilets, ventilation, power and water supply, the facilities are now up-to-date. The spaces of Fundbureau in the casemates are similar in size to their previous location under the Sternbridge, with approximately 400 square meters. About 300 people can fit in. The Beat Boutique now has nearly four times the space, with 200 square meters, and can accommodate almost 200 people.

Long-term, the twelve vaults with their around 3750 square meters are to become a place full of culture with a mix of gastronomy, club scene, and craftsmanship. "Where before there were only unused, bare bridge vaults, we are letting a new cultural mile develop near the Hauptbahnhof," said Hamburg's Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD) in a statement.

Bahn wants to replace the 100-year-old Sternbridge with new construction

The German Railways want to replace the almost 100-year-old Sternbridge, which is passed by over 900 S-Bahns, regional trains, and long-distance trains daily, with a 108-meter-long and 21-meter-high, column-free arch construction. The opponents of the plans consider them overdimensioned and speak of a "Monster-Bridge". The costs for the new bridge are currently estimated to be around 125 million Euros.

Instagram-Accounts of Beat Boutique and Fundbureau

  1. The Music Clubs that were displaced due to the Sternbridge's controversial new construction in Hamburg-Altona have found their new home in the vaults of another bridge, specifically along Altlaender Straße near Hauptbahnhof and Deichtorhallen.
  2. To ensure the music clubs have suitable conditions in their new locations, the city has invested in renovations, including installing new toilets, ventilation, power, and water supplies.
  3. The new spaces for the affected clubs, such as Beat Boutique and Fundbureau, will allow for growth, with Fundbureau having a similar square meterage as its previous location under Sternbridge, and Beat Boutique nearly quadrupling its space.
  4. As part of the long-term plan, the twelve vaults under the bridge, totaling approximately 3750 square meters, will transform into a cultural hub with a blend of gastronomy, club scene, and craftsmanship, thereby revitalizing the area nearby Hauptbahnhof.

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