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Bride and groom find corpse during gondola ride

A day one will never forget? Probably not just because of the classical reasons for a bride and groom from Ulm, who discovered a corpse in the lake on their wedding day during a gondola ride.

DLRG, Fire Department and Police had to retrieve a corpse from Upper Ausee in Ulm (picture)
DLRG, Fire Department and Police had to retrieve a corpse from Upper Ausee in Ulm (picture)

Corpse finding - Bride and groom find corpse during gondola ride

A married couple discovered a corpse in the water of the Upper Lake in Ulm during a gondola ride. According to a police spokesperson, the corpse was that of a 32-year-old man who had been reported missing a week earlier. The Südwest Presse (SWP) had previously reported on the incident on Saturday.

The 32-year-old man was with a friend at the Ulm Folk Festival and is believed to have gone missing somewhere on the way home. The search was unsuccessful, according to the spokesperson, mainly because no one knew where to look for the man.

The police spokesperson suspects an accident. Accordingly, the involvement of a third party is ruled out. The bride and groom were able to continue their celebration after the recovery of the corpse, according to the SWP report.

In Baden-Württemberg, specifically Ulm, the tragic discovery of a corpse occurred during a wedding gondola ride at the Upper Lake. The missing person, a 32-year-old man, was last seen at the Ulm Folk Festival. The police suspect an accident as the cause of his death, ruling out the involvement of a third party. Unfortunately, the body was found days later, delaying the initial search efforts.

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