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Bremen Football-Robot wins again WM Title

Even robots play soccer, a World Championship is held annually. In the Dutch competition, a team from Bremen won the title in its league - not for the first time.

The Bremen football robots were successful again
The Bremen football robots were successful again

Artificial Intelligence - Bremen Football-Robot wins again WM Title

Football robots from Bremen won the World Championship title again at the RoboCup-WM 2024: The B-Human team of the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) secured this title for the eleventh time, as the University announced.

At the tournament in Eindhoven, Netherlands, the Bremen team scored 86 goals and conceded only one. This allowed them to outrank HTWK Robots from Leipzig in second place and RoboÉireann from Ireland in third, according to the announcement.

The robots played in the so-called Standard Platform League. In this league, all teams use the same humanoid robot type, as the University stated. Therefore, it is mainly about skillful software development.

The RoboCup is one of the largest international competitions for intelligent robotics. In this year, from July 17 to 21, 300 robot teams from 45 countries participated. The goal of the event is to promote the development of robots and their artificial intelligence so they can operate without direct human control. The participating teams came from universities, research institutions, and industry.

  1. The World champion title in soccer robots once again belonged to the team from Bremen, Germany, after their victory at the RoboCup-WM 2024.
  2. The Netherlands hosted the prestigious RoboCup tournament in Eindhoven, where the University of Bremen and DFKI's B-Human team triumphed.
  3. The success of the Bremen team was evident in their impressive performance, scoring 86 goals and only conceding one during the tournament.
  4. The University of Bremen and DFKI celebrate their eleventh World Championship title in artificial intelligence and robotics through their soccer-playing robots.
  5. In the Standard Platform League, the Bremen robots demonstrated their superior skill in software programming, contributing to their eventual win at the RoboCup.
  6. The University of Bremen and DFKI will continue their research in robotics and artificial intelligence at the World Championship, as shown through their participation in the RoboCup event in Bremen, Germany.

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