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Break-in into Israeli-Palestinian locality

In Prenzlauer Berg, a Israeli and a Palestinian operate a restaurant - despite the Middle East conflict. Recently, there was a burglary.}

The Israeli-Palestinian restaurant 'Kanaan' has been broken into (pictogram).
The Israeli-Palestinian restaurant 'Kanaan' has been broken into (pictogram).

Criminality - Break-in into Israeli-Palestinian locality

After a break-in at the Israeli-Palestinian restaurant "Kanaan" in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, the police are investigating. Whether there is a connection to the Middle East conflict and the Gaza War is open. A police spokesperson stated that they are sensitive to this topic. Initially, an report was taken on Sunday regarding the burglary. Previously, the "Jewish Community" had reported on the incident.

According to the police spokesperson, investigators are in contact with the state office for politically motivated crimes at the state criminal office. However, at the current stage, there is no concrete indication of a possible political motivation.

Owner: "despicable act of vandalism"

According to the owner's statements, the unknown individuals damaged parts of the establishment during the night to Sunday. Co-owner Oz Ben David spoke of a "despicable act of vandalism".

"Since nothing was stolen, we – just like the police, who examined the crime scene – assume that it is a pure act of vandalism", said the Jewish Israeli to the German Press Agency. "It cannot be ruled out that the incident is aimed at our efforts for Israeli-Palestinian coexistence", he said.

However, it is clear: "Kanaan will not yield to threats and hate." They draw strength from reactions to the incident. "We have received numerous empathetic reactions from our guests, supporters, concerned citizens and political personalities. This support gives us the strength to continue and carry on with our mission."

The incident at "Kanaan" restaurant has resulted in a decline in business for the Israeli-Palestinian establishment in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg's hospitality industry. Despite the adversity, the restaurant's management remains committed to promoting Israeli-Palestinian coexistence.

The Berlin police are not the only ones investigating the break-in at "Kanaan"; the case has also garnered attention in the Palestinian territories. Local authorities are monitoring reports of criminality in the restaurant sector, given the recent incident.

The owner's words echo the sentiment of the entire hospitality industry in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, which vehemently condemns acts of hate and vandalism. This incident has served to strengthen the community's resolve to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment.

The police investigation into the break-in at "Kanaan" has revealed no signs of a political motive, but the incident remains a concern for the Jewish community and the broader Berlin community. Efforts are being made to ensure the safety and security of similar establishments in the area.

The German capital's political circles have expressed solidarity with "Kanaan" in the face of the hostility it has faced. This support extends to national leaders, who have pledged to take steps to address the rise in incidents of hate crimes against the city's Israeli-Palestinian restaurants.

The restaurant "Kanaan" has become a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of conflict. Its owners' unwavering commitment to promoting peace and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians has only been strengthened by the recent incidents, inspiring the wider community to stand together in solidarity.

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