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Brandenburg will attract students and university employees

Brandenburg will make studying and working at state universities in the region more appealing. The Minister of Science presents a rough plan.

Science Minister Manja Schuele (SPD) will strengthen the university location Brandenburg.
Science Minister Manja Schuele (SPD) will strengthen the university location Brandenburg.

Universities - Brandenburg will attract students and university employees

Working and studying at Brandenburg's universities should become more attractive. "The four contractual agreements could be seen as a quantum leap for Brandenburg science," said Science Minister Manja Schüle (SPD) at the presentation of various agreements with the eight state Brandenburg universities. The goal is essentially to obtain study place capacities in the state for around 50,000 students.

To achieve this, foreign students are to be attracted to Brandenburg, explained Schüle. This includes improving their stay perspective. There is indeed a large part within this group of students who want to stay in Brandenburg after their studies, stressed Schüle. We are not building for the rest of the world in Brandenburg. Inside local companies, she observes a "climate change," added Gesine Grande, President of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg. The companies are opening up and building their intercultural competence.

For these and other goals such as "gender-sensitive, family-friendly and life-phase-oriented studying," the state makes available a total of 78 million Euros by the end of 2028. The money can be used relatively autonomously by the universities, said Schüle. It's important that the formulated goals are achieved. The 78 million Euros is in addition to the regular financing of the university business in the state, which totals 370 million annually for the universities in the state.

The university contracts with the eight state universities are elements of university development in the state of Brandenburg. In each contract, the development goals for the respective university are agreed upon and set with indicators and milestones. These goals can be precisely checked, said BTU President Grande. The state aims to increase the proportion of permanently employed academic staff to 40 percent by the end of 2028.

  1. Manja School, as the Science Minister of Brandenburg, is excited about the four contractual agreements with the eight state universities, viewing them as a significant 'Leap of Quantum' for Brandenburg's research sector.
  2. The University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, under the leadership of President Gesine Grande, is part of the initiative to attract foreign students to Brandenburg, recognizing the potential for 'Contract Work' and long-term employment opportunities within local companies.
  3. To further enhance the attractiveness of studying at universities in Brandenburg, such as Manja School and the University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, the state has allocated 78 million Euros for initiatives like 'gender-sensitive, family-friendly, and life-phase-oriented studying'.
  4. To ensure accountability and achievement of set goals, each university, including Manja School and the University of Technology Cottbus-Senfenberg, has agreed upon development targets with specific indicators and milestones in their contract with the state.
  5. In the broader context of university development in Brandenburg, enhancing the employment rate of 'academic staff' is a key focus, with the state aiming to increase the proportion of permanently employed faculty to 40% by the end of 2028.

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