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Brand in loft - House not habitable

It's flashing, it's thundering and a roof truss is on fire.

After a fire, a house is no longer inhabitable (image)
After a fire, a house is no longer inhabitable (image)

Weather, unwetter being a German word for weather. - Brand in loft - House not habitable

During a thunderstorm, a fire broke out in a house in Scholen (District of Diepholz). The attic of the residential house started to burn shortly after a lightning strike and loud thunder, according to police statements based on witness reports. It cannot be determined yet whether the lightning was the cause of the fire. The attic was nearly completely destroyed and the house is currently uninhabitable. The damage is estimated to be around 200,000 Euros.

After the fire, the weather in Diepholz remained unsettled, with frequent rain showers. The local emergency services were heavily involved in managing the aftermath of the incident. Despite the damage, the inhabitants of the house were fortunate to have evacuated safely before the loft floor collapsed. Another thunderstorm in Lower Saxony could potentially spark another emergency situation if precautions aren't taken to secure vulnerable structures.

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