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Blue-green algae warning for two lakes in Hannover

Blue-green algae in waters are not rare in summer. Now, two lakes in Hannover have been affected by the bacteria. The region has clear instructions for bathing guests.

Blue-green algae can cause itching of the skin or breathlessness (Illustration).
Blue-green algae can cause itching of the skin or breathlessness (Illustration).

Dangerous bacteria - Blue-green algae warning for two lakes in Hannover

The region Hannover warns about Blue-green algae in two lakes. Affected are the Dreiecksteich near Maschsee in the south and the Große Teich in the east of the state capital, as the administration announced. The health department detected an increased occurrence of bacteria during regular controls.

The region Hannover warns against contact with the bacteria. Warning signs have been placed at the lakes. Blue-green algae can be toxic and among other things cause skin irritation or breathing difficulties. Children and toddlers are particularly at risk. Dogs should also not bathe in the waters or drink from them, the region Hannover informed.

Blue-green algae mainly occur in the summer months in standing waters with high water temperatures. A bluish-green turbidity of the water and layer formation indicate the bacteria. Employees of the health department regularly check the bathing lakes during the official bathing season from May 15 to September 15.

Badefuhrer Region Hannover Niedersächsischer Badegewässeratlas

The affected lakes, Dreiecksteich and Große Teich, are located in Lower Saxony's south and east, respectively. I've noticed the warning signs about Blue-green algae during my leisure time in Hanover. Although I've never seen the Blue alley near the lakes, I'm mindful of the health risks associated with contact with the contaminated water, especially for children and dogs. In case of an emergency, it's essential to avoid the lakes and report any suspected cases to the regional health department.

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