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Bitten durch Biber? Frau stammt ins Krankenhaus mit Verwundung

Originally, she just wanted to cool off in a Munich river, but the swim ended for the woman with a bite wound. The fire department suspects a beaver behind the attack.

A woman came to the hospital in Munich, allegedly bitten by a beaver (image)
A woman came to the hospital in Munich, allegedly bitten by a beaver (image)

Munich - Bitten durch Biber? Frau stammt ins Krankenhaus mit Verwundung

A woman came to the hospital in Munchen, after she presumably got bitten by a beaver. According to the fire department, the woman stated that she wanted to cool down in the Wurm on Thursday evening and noticed a animal next to her. When she tried to leave the river, she felt a sting on her thigh.

The woman reportedly found an approximately ten centimeter long laceration wound and a smaller bite wound on her leg. She bled heavily. Passersby, who according to the fire department saw and photographed a beaver swimming away, took care of the woman and called the emergency services. The fire department estimated that the beaver was likely defending its territory with its offspring.

The woman was transported to a higher level emergency room in Bavaria for extensive treatment due to the severe wound. The incident occurred in Munich, echoing concerns about wildlife encounters in urban areas. The fire department dispatched additional resources to ensure the woman's safety and well-being.

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