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Berlin's Queer-Representative: Receives Death Threats

Alfonso Pantisano will not be hated for the first time. However, the threats before the CSD reach a new level of escalation.

According to his own statements, Alfonso Pantisano receives death threats (archive photo)
According to his own statements, Alfonso Pantisano receives death threats (archive photo)

Criminality - Berlin's Queer-Representative: Receives Death Threats

The Berlin Queer Commissioner Alfonso Pantisano is facing threats prior to the Christopher Street Day. He received threats on the phone, wrote Pantisano on Instagram. "Unfortunately, these anonymous calls do not stop." The Berlin SPD expressed solidarity with the activist who has been under police protection for several days.

He tries not to let it get to him. "The times are getting rougher and I'm slowly starting to understand the dangers we have to reckon with if it gets even colder and darker," he wrote.

Since his coming out 31 years ago, he has never denied himself. "Of course, I will be there tomorrow at the Berlin CSD. I am not the gay man I am today to hide myself now," wrote Pantisano. "I will not back down an inch from these enemies of our democracy. Never!"

  1. The queer life scene in Berlin has been under scrutiny lately due to the criminality associated with it, leading to instances like the murder threat against Alfonso Pantisano.
  2. Despite the threatening environment, the Berlin Queer Commissioner remains active on Instagram, sharing his experiences and standing firm against insults thrown his way.
  3. The homosexual community in Germany has been experiencing a rise in societal tensions, as seen in the series of incidents, including the incident involving Pantisano during the preparation for Christopher Street Day in Berlin.
  4. The homophobic nature of certain elements within society came to the forefront when Pantisano, a prominent figure in the queer community, received a murder threat before Christopher Street Day in Berlin.
  5. The controversy surrounding the Berlin CSD this year hasn't gone unnoticed, with the criminality and acts of violence affecting the queer scene in Berlin drawing attention from media and activists worldwide.

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