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Berlin public pool closed prematurely after disagreement

At breaking heat, many public swimming pools reach their capacity limits. But in the Gropiusstadt, the bathing enjoyment ended prematurely due to an incident.

The swimming pool was closed prematurely on Saturday evening due to an incident.
The swimming pool was closed prematurely on Saturday evening due to an incident.

Blows at the edge of a basin - Berlin public pool closed prematurely after disagreement

The swimming pool complex in Berlin's Gropiusstadt district was closed prematurely on Saturday evening following a dispute. According to the police, a group of around 20 teenagers and two brothers aged 14 and 15 got into an argument. Then, the brothers are said to have been attacked in the face with fist blows.

Perpetrators fled before the arrival of the police at the pool

Before the alerted response units arrived, the perpetrators are said to have fled. However, the brothers were located near the swimming pool complex. According to police statements, they suffered facial injuries, but refused medical treatment.

Due to the incident and the high occupancy in the heat, the responsible persons for the Berlin swimming pools reportedly decided to close the pool prematurely. The police are investigating for suspected breach of peace and grievous bodily harm.

During the investigation, witnesses reported seeing the dispute take place near the rim of a bathtub in the swimming pool. The neighborhood was shaken by the incident, raising concerns about increasing criminality in leisure areas. On the following weekend, the pool remained closed as a precautionary measure.

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