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Bayern misses deadline for animal husbandry label

For the upcoming state livestock farming label, pig farms are supposed to report their husbandry type by August 1st. This won't be possible in Bavaria.

Bavarian pig keepers cannot report their farming method on time.
Bavarian pig keepers cannot report their farming method on time.

Agriculture - Bayern misses deadline for animal husbandry label

In Bavaria, the reporting of livestock keeping forms for the new animal husbandry logo of the Federal Republic is delayed. The deadline for pig farmers is supposed to be August 1st, but in the free state, they cannot currently meet their obligation. A portal is currently being developed for reporting, but it is expected to be operational only in the fourth quarter, as a spokesperson for the Ministry for Environment and Consumer Protection stated in response to an inquiry. The reason it is not yet ready is technical.

Once the portal functions smoothly, pig farmers will be informed, the spokesperson said, and emphasized: "The later notification of the livestock keeping forms has no consequences for farmers in Bavaria." The labeling obligation from August 1st of next year is also not affected.

However, at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, it is pointed out that the deadline for reporting until August 1st of this year is legally regulated and not changed. There are no agreements with Bavaria for a change, "such agreements would also not change the legally prescribed deadline," a spokesperson said. "Businesses and administration had approximately one year since the law took effect to prepare for the reporting to be submitted." The spokesperson considered this time sufficient to designate responsibilities and create corresponding structures within the administration.

  1. Despite the delay in the reporting portal for the new animal husbandry logo in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, farmers in Germany's agricultural heartland are not affected by the later submission of livestock keeping forms.
  2. The Agriculture Ministry in Bavaria is working on a portal for reporting livestock keeping forms, which is expected to be operational by the end of this year due to technical issues.
  3. The deadline for reporting livestock keeping forms is a legal requirement outlined by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Germany, and there are currently no discussions or agreements to change it, even in the context of Bavarian agriculture.
  4. Ecological concerns related to livestock farming in Germany's largest state, Bavaria, may not be directly addressed by this reporting deadline change, as the focus is primarily on the technical and legal aspects of the process.

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