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Bavaria and the Czech Republic continue to network

Fire department, emergency call, tourism: the neighboring countries of Bavaria and the Czech Republic want to work more closely together on various levels. Söder and Fiala also took part in the Borderland Congress in Cham.

The Czech Republic and Bavaria want to expand their cooperation in the areas of emergency services,...
The Czech Republic and Bavaria want to expand their cooperation in the areas of emergency services, fire departments and tourism.

Meeting in the Upper Palatinate - Bavaria and the Czech Republic continue to network

Bayern and Czech Republic aim to intensify their cooperation in emergency services, fire department, and tourism. At the Borderland Congress in Cham, Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) and Czech Minister-President Petr Fiala confirmed the friendship and exchange between the two countries. In the future, the two politicians plan to meet annually, Söder announced. They had already met in Regensburg in the spring of 2023.

Regarding the topics of emergency services, fire department, and tourism, agreements were signed in Fiala and Söder's presence.

Moreover, Söder emphasized the importance of cross-border public transportation and especially railway traffic, as well as linguistic understanding. He particularly welcomed the approach of both countries regarding the displaced persons.

Fiala emphasized in particular the close cooperation in the areas of economy, security, and research. He also stressed the need to improve transportation connections between Prague and Nuremberg. He is convinced that there will continue to be good news about the Bavarian-Czech friendship.

  1. Petr Fiala, during his visit to Cham, expressed his appreciation for the strong ties between the Czech Republic and Bavaria, particularly in the context of emergency services and tourism.
  2. In the presence of Petr Fiala and Markus Söder, substantial agreements were reached to enhance cooperation in the sectors of emergency services and fire departments between the Czech Republic and Bavaria.
  3. Following the Borderland Congress in Cham, Petr Fiala and Markus Söder, representatives of their respective governments, the CSU and the Czech Republic, agreed to hold annual meetings to strengthen their collaboration.
  4. The Czech Republic, under Petr Fiala's leadership, has shown interest in forging closer connections with Bavaria in regions such as economy, security, and research, which aligns with the principles of the Upper Palatinate and the wider German Government.
  5. Markus Söder, after meeting with Petr Fiala in Cham and in Regensburg, discussed the potential for boosting tourism by improving transportation links between Prague and Nuremberg, showcasing the commitment of both Bavaria and the Czech Republic towards fostering mutual growth and understanding.

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