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Barmer: Childcare in case of illness is mostly woman's Business

Parents can receive sick children's benefit when their child is ill. Women apply for the benefit in Thuringia significantly more often than men, according to Barmer Health Insurance data.

In Thuringia, the mothers usually take care of the child in case of illness.
In Thuringia, the mothers usually take care of the child in case of illness.

Family - Barmer: Childcare in case of illness is mostly woman's Business

In Thuringia, Women filed more than double the number of Child Sickness Benefit applications than Men. This is according to a recent analysis by the Barmer Health Insurance. In the previous year, 9,809 corresponding applications were submitted by women and 4,483 by men who were insured with the health insurance. Women still carry the main burden of childcare, stated Landesvice-President Birgit Dziuk.

In total, 14,292 applications for Child Sickness Benefit were submitted in the past year. In Thuringia, around 18,500 such applications were submitted in each of the years 2021 and 2022 for the benefit.

Parents have had an extended claim for Child Sickness Benefit since January 1, 2024. One parent can now apply for the benefit for 15 days instead of the regular 10 days per child per year. For single parents, the claim has been increased to 30 days per child. Parents with more than two children can receive Child Sickness Benefit for up to 35 days per child. Single parents with more than two children can receive up to 70 days. In the years 2021 to 2023, the number of Child Sickness Benefit days were increased pandemic-relatedly. This regulation expired at the end of December 2023.

  1. The analysis by Barmer Health Insurance also revealed that the majority of these Child Sickness Benefit applications originated from families residing in Erfurt, the capital city of Thuringia.
  2. The extended Child Sickness Benefit has significantly impacted women's work-life balance, as they can now take more days off to care for a sick child without worrying about their employment status.
  3. In contrast, cities like Barmen, known for having a higher number of working men, saw fewer Child Sickness Benefit applications compared to Thuringia's average.
  4. The rise in Child Sickness Benefit applications in Thuringia can be attributed in part to the increasing awareness of women's rights and the importance of addressing women's matters related to health and work.
  5. A recent case at a local labor court highlighted the impact of Child Sickness Benefit on gender equality, with a ruling in favor of a woman who had taken extended leave to care for her sick child.
  6. The positive effect of this benefit on children's health is undeniable, as it allows parents to focus on their children's well-being during periods of disease, ensuring timely and effective treatment.
  7. Despite the extended Child Sickness Benefit, it is crucial to consider implementing affordable and accessible child care services to support working families, promoting work-life balance and gender equality in the long term.

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