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Baerbock: Political mood hinders integration of refugees

Entrepreneurs complain about alien offices and slow visa issuance. The Foreign Minister finds the anti-immigration attitude regarding the acquisition of skilled labor problematic.

Annalena Baerbock speaks before entrepreneurs in Potsdam.
Annalena Baerbock speaks before entrepreneurs in Potsdam.

Migration - Baerbock: Political mood hinders integration of refugees

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) sees the integration of refugees in a tension field between struggling businesses and forces that reject immigration. "There is a mood and majorities in our country that say: 'They all have to be sent back.'", Baerbock said during a visit to the Chamber of Crafts in Potsdam. On the other hand, there are companies that need skilled workers and are actively seeking them abroad.

In a survey, whether more people from abroad should come, the answer would likely be "No," Baerbock described a sentiment in the country that is against immigration. However, it is urgently needed. "When you put that together, it's an absolute contradiction." The challenge in politics is "that it is unfortunately made black and white sometimes." More differentiation is needed.

Baerbock discussed with entrepreneurs at the Chamber of Crafts. They complained about the long processes leading to work permits for their employees with refugee backgrounds. More support from politics is required, they demanded. Representatives of migrant organizations also see a massive need for structural improvements in the integration of refugees into the labor market.

  1. Annalena Baerbock, the German Federal Foreign Minister from the Green Party, acknowledged the integration of refugees as a field of tension between businesses facing challenges and individuals opposed to immigration.
  2. During her visit to the Chamber of Crafts in Brandenburg's capital, Potsdam, Baerbock encountered sentiments against immigration, with many responding negatively in a survey about allowing more migration.
  3. Despite these sentiments, Baerbock emphasized the necessity of immigration, pointing out the contradiction between public opinion and the need for skilled workers, especially in the field of craftsmanship.
  4. Baerbock met with entrepreneurs at the Chamber of Crafts, who expressed concerns about the lengthy procedures for obtaining work permits for their refugee employees.
  5. Likewise, representatives from migrant organizations highlighted the requirement for structural improvements in the integration of refugees into the German labor market, emphasizing the need for diverse approaches to navigate this field of tension.

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