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Baerbock appeals in face of crises for common sense

Russia's attack on Ukraine, Gas War, Climate Change: Foreign Minister Baerbock seeks dialogue with people during her summer trip. She calls for courage and creativity.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock begins her summer journey with a visit to a weapons...
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock begins her summer journey with a visit to a weapons manufacturing company in Flensburg. Tanks for Ukraine, which is being attacked by Russia, are produced and prepared there - with the help of Ukrainian expertise.

summer journey - Baerbock appeals in face of crises for common sense

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock called on people in Germany to address necessary changes together in the face of global crises. "Sticking our heads in the sand won't get us anywhere. Pessimism is not an answer," the Green politician stated at the start of her summer tour in northern Germany. She added: "Only if we act boldly, creatively, and most importantly, together, can we build a future for our country and society that is stronger and more resilient in this global transformation era."

Baerbock expressed optimism despite the crises: Together, we can strengthen the economy with new global partnerships and clever minds from all over the world and "become a hub of the international energy transition and a driver of sustainability, efficiency, and innovation." Regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin and his aggression against Ukraine, she stated that the EU and the international community could counteract those who believe "the might of the stronger overrules the might of the law." The Minister added: "We must prepare and equip ourselves for the time ahead. But together, we are stronger."

At the start of her visit, the Foreign Minister wanted to visit the Flensburg military vehicle manufacturing company (FFG) in Flensburg. The company produces various tanks for Ukraine or maintains them. In Ukraine itself, the Flensburger Fahrzeugbau GmbH repairs tanks, among other things.

  1. Annalena Baerbock emphasized the importance of collective action, stating that Germany needs to address global crises together, particularly in light of the ongoing 'gas war' with Russia.
  2. The Future of Germany, according to Baerbock, lies in strengthening the economy through global partnerships and leveraging the intellectual prowess of individuals worldwide.
  3. Schleswig-Holstein was a stop on Baerbock's summer tour, where she emphasized the role of the Armament industry in preparing for future conflicts while adhering to the principles of peace and law.
  4. During her visit to Hamburg, Baerbock urged the Federal government to invest in defense and innovation, emphasizing the need to be a strong and resilient community in the face of global challenges.
  5. In her efforts to promote peace and cooperation, Baerbock criticized Russia's aggression against Ukraine and encouraged the EU and international community to counteract such actions with unity and strong defense strategies.
  6. Baerbock acknowledged that conflicts such as the 'gas war' require a collective response and called for Germany to lead by example, promoting 'Community Spirit' and sustainable solutions to global crises.
  7. As part of her commitment to international peace and sustainability, Baerbock visited the Flensburg military vehicle manufacturing company, which contributes to defense and repair efforts in Ukraine, demonstrating Germany's role in the global energy transition and sustainability agenda.

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