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Auto rust in parked vehicles - Drivers in danger

A car is driving down Clayallee and crashes into several parked vehicles. The accident has serious consequences for the driver and his passenger.

A driver was seriously injured in an accident (picture).
A driver was seriously injured in an accident (picture).

Heavy accident - Auto rust in parked vehicles - Drivers in danger

A car crashed into five parked vehicles in Berlin-Dahlem at high speed. The driver was trapped in his car and seriously injured, as the fire department reported. The passenger was also injured.

Freeing the driver from the wreckage proved to be complicated, according to the emergency services. The teams called for specialized equipment to be brought to the scene on Clayallee.

According to police reports, one of the two men resisted medical treatment after being rescued. The officers accompanied the injured man to the hospital. Further details about the accident were not available at first. The Clayallee was closed in the morning for investigations and cleanup work.

The accident caused significant traffic disruptions, affecting commuters in the area. The Fire department was critical in managing the situation, ensuring the safety of the trapped driver and other passengers. The incident serve as a reminder of the potential life-threatening dangers in auto accidents. The damaged vehicles, including the crashed auto, were eventually towed away by a specialized recovery service.

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