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Australian Calcareous Tube Worm in the Baltic Sea near Rostock

Young researchers have searched for the Kalkhörnworm at 15 locations between Rostock and Greifswald. Boat owners fear the introduced creature.

Boat owners fear the Australian Tuskworm. It has established itself only along the Baltic Sea...
Boat owners fear the Australian Tuskworm. It has established itself only along the Baltic Sea coast, specifically near Rostock, so far.

Amorous Immigrant - Australian Calcareous Tube Worm in the Baltic Sea near Rostock

The introduced Australian Tube Worm has established itself in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, specifically in the area Rostock. A team of young researchers from the Hanseatic City made this discovery during the marine competition "Research at Sea" on board the research vessel "Aldebaran", as the German Marine Foundation announced.

According to reports, the Australian Tube Worm forms colonies. It can cover ship hulls and block water construction sites; it often needs to be expensively removed.

During their one-week expedition, the team investigated the geographical distribution of the Australian Tube Worm along the Baltic Sea coast from Greifswald to Rostock using an underwater drone and other measuring equipment. The young researchers reportedly checked 15 locations. Apart from Rostock, there was no detection elsewhere. "Boat owners in these areas can therefore breathe a sigh of relief," it was stated.

The Australian Tube Worm's presence in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has raised concerns about its potential impact on shipping in the Baltic Sea. The team's research in Greifswald and Rostock revealed that this worm primarily thrives near specific coastal areas. Scientific studies conducted in Germany aim to better understand this invasive species and develop effective control methods.

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