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Attack on Autobahn rest stop - Homicide commission investigates

After attacking a couple at a motorway rest stop, the suspects fled. Apparently, the victims and the perpetrators knew each other.

A murder commission investigated after an attack on a married couple at a motorway rest stop.
A murder commission investigated after an attack on a married couple at a motorway rest stop.

Criminality - Attack on Autobahn rest stop - Homicide commission investigates

After a couple was attacked and severely injured by several men at a rest area on the A3 motorway near Bad Honnef, a murder commission of the Bonn Police is investigating. The 51-year-old man had been standing at the rest area on the autobahn next to his recreational vehicle on a Wednesday evening around 8:15 p.m., when suddenly another car approached, according to the Bonn Police. This car collided with the recreational vehicle, trapping the man inside for a short time.

Then, the driver of the car got out and attacked the 51-year-old man with kicks and sharp objects, reported the Police. His 50-year-old wife was also injured with stabs.

Witnesses of the incident at the rest stop "Logebachtal West" alerted the emergency services. When the police arrived, the suspects had already fled over the A3 towards Frankfurt. The seriously injured 51-year-old man was flown to a clinic by a rescue helicopter, while his wife was taken to a hospital in an ambulance.

Investigations and searches have not yet led to the identification of the suspects, according to the police. According to the investigators, there are indications that the couple and the suspects knew each other. The police are hoping for information from witnesses.

The incident occurred at the "Logebachtal West" rest stop, which is located in the town of Bad Honnef, part of North Rhine-Westphalia. The A3 motorway runs north through Bonn before continuing towards Frankfurt. The attack on the married couple was deemed a potential homicide case, hence the establishment of the Criminality Commission by the Bonn Police. Despite the investigations and searches, the identities of the suspects remain unknown.

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