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ATM in Berlin-Karow destroyed

A pure bang in the night. Damage is being caused anew as criminals quickly want money. Whether it has succeeded is still unclear.

An ATM in Berlin has been destroyed again. (Picture)
An ATM in Berlin has been destroyed again. (Picture)

Criminality - ATM in Berlin-Karow destroyed

Unknown individuals blew up a ATM in Berlin-Karow during the night. There was significant damage to the building, according to a police spokesperson. It is unclear whether or to what extent they made off with loot.

According to initial police reports, the perpetrators struck around 3:00 AM. The ATM of a bank is located in a shopping mall on Achillesstraße. According to "B.Z.", the perpetrators broke a window at a supermarket and gained entry to the mall. Police reportedly surprised the suspects. A pursuit ensued in the Pankow district.

From the perspective of the Police Union (GdP), banks should do more to make such acts unattractive. After all, lives are at risk. The union cited better video technology, alarm systems, fogging devices, and systems for marking banknotes with ink as examples.

The incident at the ATM in Berlin-Karow has sparked concerns about increasing criminality in the city. Despite the police's efforts, the individuals responsible for the explosion remain at large.

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