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At Ostbahnhof: Federal Police uses firearm

It happened in the train station hall. A man supposedly threatened a Federal Police officer.

A German policeman shot at a man.
A German policeman shot at a man.

Berlin - At Ostbahnhof: Federal Police uses firearm

At Ostbahnhof station in Berlin, a Federal Police officer used his service weapon in the evening. A man who reportedly threatened a Federal Police officer beforehand is believed to have been wounded in the thigh, according to a Federal Police spokesperson. The incident reportedly occurred around 17:45 in the station hall, near the Federal Police headquarters. The injured man was reportedly taken to a hospital. The Berlin Police have taken over the investigation. "B.Z." (online) reported on the incident.

The incident involving the Projectile weapon discharge occurred near the Eastern Railway Station's station hall in Berlin. Despite using a Projectile weapon, the situation escalated, requiring an emergency response from the local police station. Upon arriving at the scene, the police found the wounded man, who had reportedly threatened a Federal Police officer earlier, near the Station hall.

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