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Asparagus harvest in Schleswig-Holstein lightly backward

Good quality, but smaller quantity: Spargel farmers in Schleswig-Holstein are harvesting less asparagus this year. This cannot be changed by the early harvesting season.

Asparagus farming leads a niche existence in Schleswig-Holstein.
Asparagus farming leads a niche existence in Schleswig-Holstein.

- Asparagus harvest in Schleswig-Holstein lightly backward

The quantity of asparagus harvested in Schleswig-Holstein has decreased slightly, according to preliminary figures from the Statistical Office North. The 38 farming businesses harvested a total of approximately 1720 tonnes of asparagus on a total area of 440 hectares, as reported by the Statistical Office. This is about five percent less than the previous year. The cultivated area of around 380 hectares also decreased by nearly five percent. The remaining roughly 57 ha were for non-yielding installations.

The asparagus harvest reportedly began relatively early this year, despite abundant rainfall in the spring. The first asparagus spears were harvested regionally in small quantities as early as the end of March. Subsequently, moderate temperatures led to consistent harvest quantities and good quality. The season ended on St. John's Day, June 24th.

The average yield was reportedly around 4.5 tonnes per hectare by the Statistical Office, which is about five percent below the six-year average of nearly 4.7 tonnes per hectare. A hectare is 10,000 square meters in size and corresponds to a area of 100 meters by 100 meters.

  1. In contrast to Schleswig-Holstein, the asparagus harvest in Hamburg, another region in Germany, saw an increase in quantity, as stated by the Statistics Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.
  2. The decrease in asparagus harvest in Schleswig-Holstein contributes to a larger share of Germany's asparagus production coming from other regions, such as Hamburg.
  3. The Statistics Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein revealed that this decline in asparagus harvest statistics is not unique to Schleswig-Holstein, as it reflects a wider trend in asparagus agriculture across Germany.
  4. Despite the decrease in asparagus harvest, Germany remains one of the leading asparagus-producing countries in Europe, with significant contributions from regions like Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

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